Wednesday, September 1, 2010

P is for Prehistoric Creatures!

Yes, Prehistoric Creatures In My Freezer!
Just another day in the life of a mom with two boys!

You never know what you will find in your freezer! Always open the door with caution!

I am reminded this morning that everyday is new, fresh, and can begin without the worries and stress of the days before it! Kinda like that first morning cup of fresh coffee, uncomplicated, warm, and comforting!

Today I choose Joy! I choose to focus this morning on the blessing and things in my life that bring JOY! I choose a new beginning today!

I hope you have a great, fresh, and new Wednesday!

Photos: Dinos and Joy List-A Lasting First Impression, Cup of Coffee-Source Unknown


24 Corners said...

You and the boys brought JOY into *my* day yesterday...your impromptu surprise visit blessed me greatly and made errands sooo much more fun! Ginger was happy about it too!

Love your list...such a wonderful idea! Did you know that the ancient Greek meaning of joy is -"a calm delight"? That's how I felt after your visit yesterday...thank you!!! Love you! Hugs...xoxo J~

Shannan Martin said...

Ha! I love those moments of finding the random toy in the randomer location. ;) I am not unconvinced that the toys comes alive around here, when we're all sleeping!