Thursday, March 29, 2012

In Like A Lion, Out Like A Lamb...

Well, we will see if the old saying is accurate for our gloomy Seattle weather.

I am not holding my breath! We had a lovely weekend with sunshine, warmth, and lots was accomplished...but now we have once again embarked into rain as far as the weatherman can see!


King 5 Weather-

And to make the forecast even more of a bummer, we are headed into Spring Break week...waa,waa,waa...!

On a lighter note, I have a very pressing question to run by you all! Why do chickens stand in the rain?

The girls

Don't they know that it is wet, cold, and VERY miserable out there???
I must say that the blustery weather does bring about some really funny "chicken dos." Most of the time chickens feathers are soft, perfectly placed, and glistening in the sun. The rain brings about a whole new side to our chicken's already quirky personalities!


Let me introduce you...We have four lovely ladies: Sunny, Golden Nugget, Oscar, and Pa-Tasha...yes, we let the boys weigh in heavily in the naming of the chickens. ; ) Sunny and Nugget are both Buff Orpingtons and Oscar and Pa-Tasha are Black Star chickens.

Oscar-on the look out!

Nugget rules the roost, and is VERY bossy. She is also the most anxious, always pacing that one... Sunny has a pleasant and sweet disposition, she seems content to just go with the flow. Oscar is I think our favorite. She was kinda the "underdog" of the flock when arriving. We both have taken extra time to bond with her, and she is now the happiest and friendliest chicken of the group. She literally eats out of our hands and enjoys going on long worm hunts with the Hubbs. She also has taken on the role of flock protector. She sounds the alarm at the smallest sign of danger, change, and injustice...yes, injustice. She will let it be known if there is anything not quite up to her standards for the group. I never thought I could feel chastised from a chicken, but it has been known to happen a time or two. Pa-Tasha is the most reserved "wildflower" of a chicken I have ever met. She is very happy to be alone and just do her own thing. She tends to wander off, away from the group, consequentially she can run like the wind. I didn't know chickens could run, but I am here to tell you, she could win the 100 meter dash!

Pa-Tasha-on her own

They are quite the group, and we are daily enjoying the antics of chickens and their very human like personalities! And while I don't enjoy being in this lovely weather, they are currently singing in the rain! (No picture of Nugget, she wouldn't hold still long enough...)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Has Sprung...

It is officially SPRING!!!


The flowers

The colors

The changes in food

The smells

The newness of life

The reappearance of the sun on my back

The longer days

The crazy, violent, and sudden weather shifts


The four lovely ladies wandering around my yard, enjoying the plethora of long, juicy worms

Spring has sprung and so has my love for my chickens!!!

I have to admit it, I never saw it coming, but I totally, completely, apologetically LOVE them.

I will do the back post on how to came to be, but for now here is a pic or two of my lovelies!