My mom use to say, "You only get one first impression, so make it a good one, because it will be lasting." I took this to heart and over time it really has become a way of life for me. Although I believe my mom's saying to be true, I also believe that you have the choice to change! If you make a bad first impression, you learn from that experience, change, and make a better first impression with the next person! I think first impressions are fascinating! I am amazed how many impressions we make on a daily basis; our words, our actions, our looks, the vehicle we drive, our children, the color of paint we choose for our home, how we take care of our yards, what we eat, how we treat our friends, and list keeps going. Each of those impressions interacts differently with many people daily, hundreds or thousands of people over the course of a year. What first impressions are you sending?
This idea has transformed the way I personally choose to live, including what I do for a living, my hobbies, my observations of the world around me, my marriage, and how I am raising my boys. Now, hopefully this love and fascination will plant helpful, insightful, inspirational, and creative seeds in your life to help YOU create your best first impression!
Hey! I love your new blog!!! It's beautiful and it's only a baby...I can't wait to watch it grow!
xxxooo J~
Thanks Jess,
I wanted to do a blog that combines all that I love, could be public, and maybe help someone else!!! I am excited about what is to come!
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